

Advertise on Kingdoms of Nigeria

Kingdoms of Nigeria have many solutions and can find one to meet your needs. Please contact us to place your business products or services in the kingdoms of Nigeria web site.


Please read the Kingdoms of Nigeria Advertising Policy before signing up.


Within the three primary sections of the website there are opportunities to advertise on every page. These dynamic banner adverts will enhance your company’s web presence. These are public areas and the latest statistics for the site show that it gets around 22,000 users every month, viewing a staggering 1,320,000 pages per annum.



The advertising spaces currently available on the Kingdoms of Nigeria web site are:


The pricing for these Advertising opportunities are as follows:


Banner Priority Price: Naira
Homepage High 250,000.00
A High 50,000.00
A Medium 35,000.00
A Low 25,000.00
B High 20,000.00
B Medium 15,000.00
B Low 10,000.00
C   5,000

The advert dimensions are (pixels):


A – 468×60
B – 468×60
C – 150×275

The prices are per month and for all advertisements, purchased on a fixed six-month term.


  Request Ad space


Each banner has a priority level, the higher the priority level the more times your website will be shown compared to other advertisers within the same banner slot.