Title: Attah of Igala Full Name: Dr. Michael Idakwo Ameh Oboni Lineage: Attah Coronation: 20-12-2012 Palace: na State: Kogi Profile: Prince Idakwo Michael Ameh Oboni was born in 1948. He
Title: Amanyanabo Opobo Full Name: Dandeson Douglas Jaja V Lineage: Jaja Coronation: 01-10-2004 Palace: na State: Rivers State Profile: na
Title: Amanyanabo Okrika Full Name: Alfred Semenitari Abam Ado IX Lineage: Ado Coronation: 25-02-2002 Palace: na State: Rivers State Profile:
Title: Amanyanabo Okolo-Ama Full Name: Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III Lineage: Perekule XI Coronation: 06-04-1996 Palace: na State: Rivers Profile:
Title: Amanyanabo of Twon Brass Full Name: Alfred Diete-Spiff Lineage: Spiff Coronation: 00-00-1996 Palace: na State: Bayelsa Profile:
Title: Amanyanabo of Bassambiri Full Name: Ralph Michael Iwowari, Mein VII Lineage: Mein Coronation: 00-00-1996 – 2013 Palace: na State:
Title: Amanyanabo of Ogbolomabiri Full Name: Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, Mingi XII Lineage: Mingi Coronation: 23-02-2008 Palace: na State: Bayelsa Profile:
Title: Amanyanabo of Kalabari Full Name: Amachree XI (Theophilus J.T. Princewill) Lineage: Amachree Coronation: 00-00-2002 Palace: na State: Rivers Profile:
Title: Alani of Ido-Ani Full Name: Oba Olufemi Olutoye Lineage: Coronation: 00-00-2014 Palace: na State: Ondo Profile: Born in Ido-Ani,
Title: Awujale of Ijebuland Full Name: Sikiru Adetonwa Ogbagba II Lineage: Anikinaiya 1 Ogbagba Coronation: 02-04-1960 Palace: na State: Ogun